Women’s Studies Centre, University of Kashmir has been established in August-2006. The main objective of Centre is to educate the community about gender issues and to provide a safe psychological and physical space for all women and men interested in gender issues. The Centre is open to the public and University community. It houses and distributes information and literature regarding issues of concern to women, as well as information on Women’s Studies and other related activities. The Centre also houses a growing library of works about women and gender.



The Centre is acting as catalyst for promoting and strengthening women’s studies through teaching, research, curriculum, field and extension work, training and continuing education, etc. The center has carried out its work not only in the above areas, but also in the areas of gender equity, economic and self-reliance, girls education, population education, issues of women rights, laws, social exploitation, awareness activities, capacity building etc.





In addition, the Women’s Studies Centre organizes a variety of lectures, workshops and other activities relevant to campus life throughout the academic year. The Women’s Studies Centre cosponsors a number of activities with various organizations and departments on campus






The Centre is acting as catalyst for promoting and strengthening women’s studies through teaching, research, curriculum development, field and extension work, training and continuing education, etc. The center has worked in the areas of gender equity, economic and self-reliance, girls education, population education, issues of women rights, laws, social exploitation, awareness activities, capacity building etc.



The center is expected to play a vital role in academic upliftment including mainstreaming gender perspective into development process. It is working to create gender friendly environment for the development of women to make them realize their full potential, by providing equal access to health care, educational, and occupational facilities. It tries to act as catalyst for the same through teaching, research, training, field and extension work etc. Centre is acting to create a conducive environment by creating infrastructure and women’s basic educational and common facilities. The center is performing its role and functions so as to assimilate and transmit knowledge through teaching, research, complementary roles for the academic communities and society as a whole, field action documentation and thereby supplement and strengthen the national goals and contribute to the policy making and implementing actions. 


Thrust Areas:

1.       Teaching & Training

2.       Research

3.       Extension

4.       Documentation and Publication

5.       Advocacy

6.       Seminars& Workshops

7.       Networking & Coordinating with other agencies

8.       Monitoring & Review