Extension Lecture by Prof. Anita Kurup.

Extension lecture by Reputed Academician and Gender Expert, Prof. Anitha kurup, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

Extension lecture by Reputed Academician and Gender Expert, Prof. Anitha kurup,Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
On 29th of March, 2019, Centre for women Studies and Research, University of Kashmir, arranged an extension lecture by  Prof. Anitha kurup, who holds the position of Dean Academics, Indian institute of Bangalore. This Lecture has been of a great significance as our students have learnt a lot from her experiences in this field. Prof. Anitha kurup, deliberated upon  the basic objective of studying the discipline of Gender Studies. She focused upon the importance of women's role in changing the negative mindset of the society and taught them the necessary skills of how women contribute towards the development of their own self,their families and their nation.
Prof Kurup also highlighted the positive side of women's increasing participation in public sphere and suggested the ways and means of how to overcome the constraints ,that impede their empowerment.

  • Event Date: 29-Mar-2019 - 29-Mar-2019
  • Venue: Room No. 1 , Womens Studies Centre
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