Extension lecture
An extension lecture was held at Women Studies Centre University of Kashmir on 9th of April 2019 for the students of PG Gender Studies, by Prof.Arvinder Ansari , Department of Sociology, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi, on ‘Gender and Development’. She stressed on the approaches needed to study gender and development . Prof. Ansari argued that women in earlier approaches were considered only as beneficiaries of development and were not involved in the process of development. Women in Develpopment approach focused on the importance of women as the major contributors of development while working in care economy as care takers and household workers.Women in Development was influenced by liberal feminism and modernization theory. It focused on equity and welfare of women. Liberal approach focused on enlightened educated mothers and wives.Prof. Ansari also delibrated on Women and Development and Gender and Development approaches. Women and Development focused on radicalistic approach where women were considered as shapers of development. In the end she stressed that feminist approaches do not seek to replace patriarchy with matriarchy but they are working towards gender neutrality.